Marcellas Reynolds to play Renard Dejardin!

Firstly, we are so excited about this project and wanted to say a big thank you for all the report we have received!  The Misadventures of Delilah James is a long time coming and as we prepare to get into production and get everything started, we want to give something back to you so we’ll be releasing tasty little tidbits from the story we’ve dubbed vignettes, short video diaries and clips from the characters so you can get to know them a little bit better.   Stay tuned to the website for those!

In the meantime, Delilah and the gang are blogging like mad over at GROUP!, so get in that group, ya’ll.


NOW for our exciting news of the day… We have just confirmed that  Marcellas Reynolds, actor and celebrity style guru,  will be playing the part of Renard Dejardin a famous fashion designer and good friend of Delilah. Renard is a significant part of Delilah’s past, and we’re thrilled that Marcellas will be the one to play this very important role.

Of course, Marcellas is an accomplished actor, fashion stylist, reporter and entertainment guru, and you can keep up with all his latest exploits at his website here.

And stay tuned, because we’ve got more exciting news a-coming!